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Walsh, Maggie - Betrayal [The Angel Pack] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Read online

  The Angel Pack


  When Jesse and Taylor get kicked out of their homes they take off and end up in New York City. Jesse’s voice lands him a singing job at an all male club. When the owner discovers their secret, he offers to help them. That kind gesture turns into the biggest mistake of their lives.

  When Micah hears the angelic voice coming from the beautiful man, his world turns upside down. Micah realizes that the angel is his mate. Now that he’s found him he may never get to claim him.

  Someone is trying to kill Jesse. At the same time, someone from Micah’s past comes back to claim Micah as their own. Is it coincidence or a set up? When the person trying to kill Jesse accidentally gets Micah instead, can Jesse find the culprit and the cure before it’s too late? And if Micah survives, will he be able to move past the betrayal of one of his own?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 53,740 words


  The Angel Pack

  Maggie Walsh



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Maggie Walsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-143-3

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To E, R, R, and T, you all know who you are. Without all of your love, support, and encouragement, this would have never happened.

  To Peg and Eye, thanks for all the long talks and for always being there for me. Your love and encouragement has meant everything to me.

  An extra special thanks to Richie. Without all your help, support, and technical help, I would be lost. I love you all.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author


  The Angel Pack


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  “Oh yeah, baby, suck my cock, swallow all of it…Yeah, that’s it. Take it all.”

  “What the hell are you watching in here?” A booming voice echoed through the den.

  “My DVD player is broken, so I’m using the one in here, Micah,” said Crew.

  “Do that in your own room, Crew. I don’t want to see your balls all over my couch,” Micah said with a shudder, wrinkling his nose.

  Micah was Alpha of the Angel pack, biggest damn man or beast Crew had ever seen. At six foot ten, two hundred and eighty pounds of pure muscle, Micah was a force to be reckoned with in any form. He was huge in man form, but in wolf form, he was the biggest Timber wolf that had ever been born. He even stood a good five inches over his father, the alpha of Micah’s birth pack. The pack Micah should have been Alpha of, until they found out he was gay.

  When they tried to insist that Micah still mate and marry the female alpha wolf they had arranged for him since birth, Micah had left. His best friend, Raith, and two of his cousins, Gabriel and Castiel went with him. All gay. They moved around a lot before settling in Pennsylvania. They picked up a few strays along the way, Crew included, all gay. Micah bought up a lot of land and built his own pack. That was about two hundred years ago. Crew respected Micah more than anyone else in the world. The wolf may have been bigger than a Clydesdale when in wolf form, but he was a good leader, a fair leader, with a big heart.

  “Sorry, Micah, but we haven’t gone out to town in over a month. I need to get laid, man. You remember what that is right?” Crew snickered.

  “Yeah, I remember. I think we all could use a night out on the town. Go tell everyone we’re going out.” Micah sighed.

  Crew jumped up off the couch and whooped, “Yeah! Come on, boys, we’re hitting the strip club. Gonna get me a nice little tight-assed twink tonight!” Crew yelled as he raced out of the room.

  “I didn’t say the strip club!” Micah yelled. “Oh who am I kidding? I’m talking to myself.” Micah dropped down on the couch, then jumped back up like he had been struck by lightning. “Yuck…Crew! Clean the damn couch, asshole!” Micah walked out of the room, and went to his room to get ready.

  * * * *

  “So, you want to go out after the show tonight?”

  “No, not tonight, Tay. I already have a headache and the night hasn’t even started.”

  “Come on, Jesse. You can’t keep this up. You left Will four months ago. Let it go, girlfriend, you deserve so much better than his sorry ass,” Taylor said as he squeezed into a pair of skintight leather pants.

  “I k
now I deserve better, that’s why I left the asshole. Are you sure those aren’t too tight, Tay? You look like you’re about to do some serious damage to your balls in those. They look painted on they’re so tight.”

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a hot cock in my ass? Huh?” Taylor asked.

  Jessie just shrugged.

  “A week! Have you ever? My god, I think I’m turning into a nun.” Taylor huffed.

  “A nun? Let’s not be so overdramatic, Tay.” Jesse scoffed and rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, a nun. None today, none yesterday. Get it?” Taylor laughed as he walked out of the dressing room and into the bathroom.

  Jesse laughed too, he couldn’t help it, Taylor just cracked him up. Taylor had been his best friend since they were six. The first day of first grade, when some kid stole Taylor’s crayon right out of his hand, Jesse punched the kid in the arm and grabbed the crayon back.

  Ever since then Taylor had stuck by Jesse’s side through everything. When they’d both been bullied all through school for always being different, when the jocks used to lock them in their lockers in high school, and when people would point and snicker at them like they were freaks. It had always been Taylor and him against the world.

  Then they both came out of the closet at eighteen. Jesse, the day after graduation, and Taylor the next day. When both their families had thrown them out, it had always been Taylor who kept their spirits up, and kept them going.

  They’d taken off in Jesse’s broken-down Civic, with a hundred and seventy-five dollars between them. They left their small town in Ohio and headed toward New York City. They were broke and had nothing but the clothes on their backs. Well, he had a little more. At least his parents had given him exactly five fucking minutes to pack a bag. Yeah, five whole minutes before they’d told him to get out of their house and never come back.

  Taylor’s parents had just opened the door and thrown him out. Literally. His father grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and tossed him out the back door, yelling about going to Hell for being a disgusting, depraved excuse for a human being. Taylor had even broken his wrist on that one, when he fell to the ground after his father tossed him. Jesse had taken him straight to the emergency room and had them take care of it, on his parents’ insurance. Fuckers! It was the least they could do. But Taylor had still put a smile on his face and told Jesse that everything would be okay. They had each other and they would make it.

  That was seven years ago. Seven years of hell. They were broke when they first hit the road. With only a hundred and seventy-five dollars, a backpack of clothes, Jesse’s laptop, and his Civic. They went through the money in five weeks, and that was with them watching every penny. They used to sleep in the car, wash up at gas stations, and eat a lot of Top Ramen. Most days they didn’t eat at all. Thank god those first few months weren’t cold out.

  After they’d been on the road for about six weeks, taking little jobs here and there, they landed in a small town in New Jersey. Jesse had gotten a job at a gas mart on the night shift, and Taylor collected shopping carts at the local grocery store. Both were making minimum wage at crappy jobs. But at least once a week they would get a motel room. They would shower and wash their clothes in the tub. They would splurge on fast food to eat that day, and they would sleep in an actual bed.

  Then Jesse had been fired when the gas mart got robbed on his shift. The guy came in with a gun, waving it around in Jesse’s face, yelling for all the money in the register. He was gay, not stupid. He gave the guy all the money and the dude left. Mr. Dudd, yes, Mr. Dudd, fired him the next day, after he watched the surveillance video and saw Jesse just hand the money over. Really? What kind of drugs had the boss been on? What was he supposed to do, put up a fight for eighty-three dollars, and probably get killed? Hell no!

  Taylor understood. He didn’t blame Jesse. He said that he would have done the same thing. But the next few weeks were tough on money. Then Jesse landed a job stocking shelves and cleaning up at a sex toy shop at night, which paid him more than minimum wage. Taylor had thought that it was a hoot, and wanted a job there too.

  After Jesse was there about two weeks, he asked his boss if he needed any more help. He hired Taylor the next day as the night cashier. He made a lot more than he did when he hauled shopping carts.

  So, there they were, two gay eighteen-year-olds, working the night shift at a store full of sex toys and porn. Those six months were a blast. They flirted with the customers, even the straight ones, and watched guys trying to talk their embarrassed girlfriends into getting toys. The two of them worked together. Life was pretty good.

  Taylor would try and convince the ladies to buy the items, if she would let her man demonstrate on Taylor first. Yeah, that never went over well with the boyfriends, but the girls laughed and then most of them bought something. The boss loved them.

  Then after six months of fun, when they finally had enough saved to get an apartment and start living normally, Mr. Tripp, their boss, died of a heart attack and the place had closed down.

  They were back to sleeping in the car. They left Jersey and landed in New York City. Holy hell was it beautiful, and intimidating, and expensive as hell. What did they know? They were two boys from the middle-of-nowhere, Ohio. With a car, a trunk full of clothes they bought at a second-hand store, and five hundred dollars. Not a lot in that city. The money didn’t last too long, jobs were hard to come by, and they started doing things they never thought they would ever do.

  “Five minutes, Jesse!” a deep voice yelled from outside the door, which brought Jesse out of his memories. “Okay, Frank! Thanks,” Jesse answered.

  “So are you ready?” Taylor asked as he walked out of the bathroom. His dark blonde hair with blue tips was spiked high. His thin, pale chest shone with body glitter. A collar was around his neck, Kohl around his eyes, and pink lip gloss on his full lips. He looked like walking sex. “Yeah, I’m ready,” Jesse responded depressingly. Taylor walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Jesse’s waist, resting his chin on Jesse’s shoulder as they looked at each other in the mirror. “What’s the matter, Jesse? You should be happy. We have a good gig here, a steady job, good pay, no more doing anything we don’t want to do. We have a decent apartment, food every day. So what’s up?” Taylor asked with concern.

  “You look good enough to eat, Tay.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Taylor said with a big smile. “But stop trying to change the subject.”

  “No, listen to me, Taylor.” Jesse turned in Taylor’s arms and wrapped his own around Taylor’s waist. “You don’t have to go out there looking like that. Put a shirt on. You’re still hot as hell. You can still do your job without looking desperate, and maybe you’ll even find a better class of guy.”

  “True, but it’s my job to look fierce, and party, and get the men all hot and bothered so they spend more money. Then I make more money. It’s a win-win. And why the hell would I want to cover up all of this hotness?” Taylor stepped back out of Jesse’s arms and ran his hands down his chest.

  “Okay, Tay,” Jesse sighed. “Just please, don’t leave with anyone tonight. At least until I get the info on him first, okay? I don’t trust most of these guys.”

  Taylor huffed. “Who are you kidding, Jess? You don’t trust anyone. That’s why you got your virgin card reinstated.”

  Taylor jumped away, laughing, when Jesse tried to slap him. “Ha ha, very funny. It hasn’t been that long.” Taylor and Jesse were both laughing as they left the room.

  * * * *

  Micah, along with his pack, pulled up to the club. They parked their bikes in the lot and headed up to the front door.

  “Okay, boys, balls to the walls yeah!” yelled a tall muscular guy with sandy blonde hair.

  “Why, you planning on giving prostate exams, Lexi?” Crew laughed.

  “Yeah, but not on you trolls. Can’t wait to do a prostate exam on some tight little hottie. Got a prostate stick right here in my jeans I’m waiting to
test out.” Lexi laughed as he grabbed his crotch.

  “Yeah, yeah, keep it in your pants, asshat.”

  “Maybe that’s why you don’t get laid so much, Thomas. You actually have to take it out of your pants to insert tab ‘A’ into tab ‘B,’ or tab ‘M,’” Lexi gave back.

  “Shouldn’t it be tab ‘D’ into tab ‘B’ or ‘M’?” Crew laughed.

  “All right, you two, we get the picture.” Micah said.

  “Come on, Thomas, take that stick out of your ass for just one night and let loose, man,” Crew said. The rest of the guys snickered, trying to hold in their laughter.

  “You and Lexi let loose enough for all of us, Crew,” Thomas drawled out as his face turned red.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Lexi yelled.

  They walked up to the door, past the line of people who were waiting to get in. The doorman was a wall of a guy. Not as tall as Micah, but close, he was about six foot six and about three hundred and fifty pounds of mostly muscle.

  “Hey, Bull,” Micah said to the man as he shook his hand.

  “Hi, Micah. How you boys doing?”

  “Got some line here tonight, Bull. What’s up?” Lexi asked.

  “Oh right, you guys haven’t been here in awhile. About two months ago Frank hired this really hot singer. He’s a doll, a little firecracker, but a doll. The people love him,” Bull answered, smiling.

  “Yeah, Frank told me he hired a new singer and a party host. Don’t understand the party host, but he says it was worth it,” Micah said.